Nodeasync_hooksAsyncLocalStorage.bindmethod AsyncLocalStorage.bindunstable#AsyncLocalStorage.bind<Func extends (...args: any[]) => any>(fn: Func): FuncBinds the given function to the current execution context. Type Parameters ##Func extends (...args: any[]) => anyParameters ##fn: FuncThe function to bind to the current execution context. Return Type #FuncA new function that calls fn within the captured execution context.
method AsyncLocalStorage.bindunstable#AsyncLocalStorage.bind<Func extends (...args: any[]) => any>(fn: Func): FuncBinds the given function to the current execution context. Type Parameters ##Func extends (...args: any[]) => anyParameters ##fn: FuncThe function to bind to the current execution context. Return Type #FuncA new function that calls fn within the captured execution context.