Nodeasync_hooksAsyncResource.bindmethod AsyncResource.bind#AsyncResource.bind<Func extends (this: ThisArg,...args: any[],) => any,ThisArg,>(fn: Func,type?: string,thisArg?: ThisArg,): FuncBinds the given function to the current execution context. Type Parameters ##Func extends (this: ThisArg,...args: any[],) => any#ThisArgParameters ##fn: FuncThe function to bind to the current execution context. optional#type: stringAn optional name to associate with the underlying AsyncResource. optional#thisArg: ThisArgReturn Type #Func
method AsyncResource.bind#AsyncResource.bind<Func extends (this: ThisArg,...args: any[],) => any,ThisArg,>(fn: Func,type?: string,thisArg?: ThisArg,): FuncBinds the given function to the current execution context. Type Parameters ##Func extends (this: ThisArg,...args: any[],) => any#ThisArgParameters ##fn: FuncThe function to bind to the current execution context. optional#type: stringAn optional name to associate with the underlying AsyncResource. optional#thisArg: ThisArgReturn Type #Func