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Subhosting Quick Start

Looking for the smallest possible example that shows how to deploy code to Deno's isolate cloud? We've got you covered below, or you can skip to the more detailed getting started guide.

// 1.) Get API access info ready
const accessToken = Deno.env.get("DEPLOY_ACCESS_TOKEN");
const orgId = Deno.env.get("DEPLOY_ORG_ID");
const API = "";
const headers = {
  Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
  "Content-Type": "application/json",

// 2.) Create a new project
const pr = await fetch(`${API}/organizations/${orgId}/projects`, {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    name: null, // randomly generates project name

const project = await pr.json();

// 3.) Deploy a "hello world" server to the new project
const dr = await fetch(`${API}/projects/${}/deployments`, {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    entryPointUrl: "main.ts",
    assets: {
      "main.ts": {
        "kind": "file",
          `export default { async fetch(req) { return new Response("Hello, World!"); } }`,
        "encoding": "utf-8",
    envVars: {},

const deployment = await dr.json();

  "Visit your site here:",

Getting started with subhosting Jump to heading

To get started with subhosting, you will need to create an organization in the Deno Deploy dashboard. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new organization for subhosting.

Going through the onboarding flow, you will likely also generate an access token, which you will use to access the REST API. If you didn't do this (or your token has expired), you can generate a new one here.

Save your token in a safe place

Once you generate an access token, it will not be displayed again within the Deploy dashboard UI. Make sure you store this token in a safe place.

Set up a test environment Jump to heading

In the tutorial pages to follow, we will assume you are interacting with the Deploy REST API through Deno scripts (TypeScript code), and will show examples of interacting with the API in this way. However, the techniques shown here will also work in any other environment capable of executing HTTP requests.

The example code shown here and in future chapters assume that you have Deno 1.38 or higher installed.

When working with a REST API, it is useful to store authentication credentials in the system environment, to prevent you from accidentally checking them in to source control.

For this tutorial, we'll use the new --env flag introduced in Deno 1.38 to manage environment variables. On your local computer, create a new directory to store our management scripts in, and create three files:

  • .env - to hold our API access info
  • .gitignore - to ignore our .env file so we don't put it in source control by mistake
  • create_project.ts - a file we'll use in a moment to make our first request to the REST API

Configure a .env file and .gitignore file Jump to heading

First, store your access token and organization ID in the .env file you created earlier.


Replace the values in the file with the values from your own Deploy account.

Next, create a .gitignore file just to ensure we don't accidentally check our .env file into source control:

# Ignore this file in git

# Optional: ignore this junk file often generated on mac OS

Now that we have our credentials set up, let's write some code to access the REST API.

Creating our first project Jump to heading

In order to do anything interesting with subhosting or the REST API, we'll need to create a project. Copy the code below into a file named create_project.ts in the same file as your .env and .gitignore file.

const accessToken = Deno.env.get("DEPLOY_ACCESS_TOKEN");
const orgId = Deno.env.get("DEPLOY_ORG_ID");
const API = "";

// Create a new project
const res = await fetch(`${API}/organizations/${orgId}/projects`, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    name: null, // randomly generates project name

const project = await res.json();

Execute this code with the following command in a terminal:

deno run -A --env create_project.ts

If everything goes according to plan, you should see output that looks something like this:

  id: "f084712a-b23b-4aba-accc-3c2de0bfa26a",
  name: "strong-fox-44",
  createdAt: "2023-11-07T01:01:14.078730Z",
  updatedAt: "2023-11-07T01:01:14.078730Z"

Note the id of the project that was returned with this response - this is the project ID we'll use in the next step.

Now that we have REST API access configured and a project set up, we can move on to creating our first deployment.

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